Monitoring of the company activity
For any manager information about the company financial performance, personnel workload, operational processes compliance, equipment and services availability is the key data that cannot be ignored.
Because of the hierarchical organization of the objects in SAYMON it is possible to control business and processes of the enterprise of any size. Built-in notification system in conjunction with the scheme of responsible and concerned departments and staff can effectively prevent subsystems downtime and ensure continuity of services.

Equipment monitoring
Companies, whose activity depends on the serviceability of equipment, servers and any other computer technology, cannot afford to be unaware of their condition and performance. Any hardware failure or software misbehavior may lead to critical problems, partially or completely blocking the activity of the company. Immediacy of faults notifications affects company’s financial losses, which can be minimized or avoid completely with SAYMON.
Website Monitoring
One of the most important criteria of the formation of customers’ positive perception is fast and error-free operation of online services and electronic trading platforms. Customers do not will to wait and prefer to buy elsewhere if they have to waste time waiting. To get a real picture of the website performance is not just a technical need, but the primary task of those who cares about the profitability of online store. SAYMON platform solves this problem in the best way, providing constant monitoring of access speed and availability.

Communication channels monitoring
Branches, ATMs, stores, surveillance cameras, security systems, remote servers and other similar equipment need stable connection and data transfer speed. Monitoring of these parameters in a geographically remote site is a non-trivial task. The analysis and the history of monitored parameters changing over the time and providing redundant links is equally important.
Monitoring, data accumulation and analysis - SAYMON takes on all this tasks, allowing you to see the real picture of the events.
Health monitoring
It is easy to imagine a scenario of continuous temperature monitoring of patients in hospital with electronic thermometer and consolidation of data in a single system, with personnel notifications on the temperature deviation for each patient. Automatic and visual analysis of the behavior of the temperature during one day or several weeks may give a new level of patients’ maintenance. These ideas are valid for the control of people in sports - so-called «wellness» - promt control can avoid complications from overheating and result in the provision of timely aid.

Environmental monitoring
Monitoring of environmental indicators (water level in reservoirs and its quality, level of radiation and its distribution map, climate changes, etc.) is realized with SAYMON with the same efficiency as the control of IT-processes. Using charts and maps with readouts helps to react quickly on critical changes, while analysis of data for any period of time - to get a complete picture of changes’ dynamics.